Here's what you need to know about oily skin

Do you have oily skin? Some indications of oily skin include your face feeling and looking oily frequently and even quite soon after you have just washed your face, frequent breakouts and blackheads that just won’t seem to go away.

Understanding the root cause of oily skin is the first step to tackling the issue. Oily skin is caused by overactive sebum production and if left unchecked, will cause pores to become clogged and enlarged, and a buildup of dead skin cells leading to pimples and blackheads. Here are some tips you can follow to alleviate oily skin.

Don’t overwash your face

Just because you have oily skin doesn’t mean you need to wash it more frequently. In fact, the more you wash it, the more you’re stripping your skin of its oils and the skin responds by producing even more oil to counteract it. Healthy skin isn’t meant to feel squeaky clean. A good balance is key and it helps to use a cleanser that is gentle for your skin.

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Use oil-based products

This may sound counter intuitive when you have oily skin but oil-based products such as oil-based cleansers can help to control sebum production while promoting skin suppleness and elasticity. Alcohol-based products on the other hand are a big no-no for oily skin as they tend to dry out the skin and stimulates even more sebum production.

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Continue to moisturize your skin

It’s easy to mistake oily skin for moisturized skin but that’s really not the case. Oily skin really are crying out to be moisturized. This again helps to keep sebum production in check and provides skin with the hydration it needs. You should however look out for moisturizers that are lightweight and non-comedogenic so that the product doesn’t clog up the skin and pores.

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Watch out for stress

Hormonal imbalances during puberty, pregnancy and menopause can all play a role in triggering oily skin. Stress too can cause oil glands to go into overdrive. It’s important to carve some space for self-care and self-love so that oily skin doesn’t consume your life. Stay active and eat a healthy diet – maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps you look and feel good both on the inside and out.