3 easy steps to spring clean your skincare routine

As Chinese New Year is coming around the corner, it’s a reminder for that time of the year to start your spring-cleaning routine. Sure, you’ve gone through your wardrobe and shoe closet but have you taken a good look at your skincare products and decided what to toss out and what to keep? If the very thought of spring cleaning is giving you a headache, here are 3 easy steps to follow even a spring-cleaning novice will find easy to follow.

#1 Take everything out

This may sound painful to some but trust the method, you might find this surprisingly therapeutic. Taking everything out gives you a proper chance to take a good hard look at everything you have been squirreling away or even forgotten about. Give yourself plenty of space to assess your stash so the following steps are easier for you.

Read more: Skincare mistakes you shouldn’t still be committing in 2022

#2 Throw out the old stuff

We buy skincare products because we think they will be good for our skin. What good will they be if they have expired past their due date? These are the first items that you simply must toss out.

Next look at the products you have already started using. Many skincare products have a period after opening timeline, and this gives an indication on the time period a product has stayed active based on lab testings. This can usually be found on the bottom of the bottle of jar. If unsure, look for signs that the product has degraded, such as a change in colour, texture and even smell.

You should also consider throwing out products that you haven’t used in a year, even they have remained unopened. If you haven’t used them after such a long time, what’s the likelihood you will actually use them in the future?

Read more: Top skincare products that will remain a staple in 2022

#3 Keep the essentials

Here comes the fun part – keeping what is really important and essential to you. If you are planning to streamline your skincare routine year, be sure to have these in your skincare closet.

Cleansers – they don’t need to be expensive brands, they just have to work well in keeping your skin clean. If you frequently wear makeup, keep a good oil cleanser or makeup remover to ensure the first step of cleaning off all traces of makeup is done well. A good cleanser shouldn’t make your skin feel dry or literally squeaky clean. Skin should feel soft and supple after a good wash.

Serums – these are the actives you will need to target your skincare concerns. Be it Vitamin C, retinols or even AHA and BHA serums, there’s something for everyone. Spend a little time doing your research to find out what ingredients would be good for your skin type and skin concerns. This way you keep what’s effective and you’ll be sure to include it as a part of your skincare routine.

Moisturisers – Some choose to skip this step, thinking that it’s unnecessary because we live in a humid country or because we have oil skin. Moisturising your skin is an important step in maintaining healthy, youthful skin as it works to keep your skin well hydrated and refreshed. Light weight moisturisers are perfect for those who fear oily type moisturisers.