Toner vs. Essence: Unveiling the Differences and Maximizing Skincare Benefits

Toner vs. Essence: Unveiling the Differences and Maximizing Skincare Benefits

In the vast realm of skincare, two products often find themselves at the center of the beauty regimen debate: toner and essence. Both play crucial roles in maintaining healthy, radiant skin, yet their differences and benefits are frequently misunderstood. In this article, we will delve into the distinctive characteristics of toners and essences, unraveling their unique contributions to skincare routines.

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Skincare products I can't live without

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realise simple is best and the same can be said when it comes to skincare. Seriously, who has time to stick to 21 steps in a daily skincare regime when you’ve got work, laundry, cooking, hobbies and a family to take care of.

Give me simple and straight to the point any day. This is a skincare routine I’ve had going for the last 1 year or so. I must say my skin still looks healthy and happy and what’s even better, I have a little more time on my hands to do the other things I enjoy.  

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Here’s a lowdown of my favourite skincare products that I swear by.

#1 Essence

This is a step I’ve had added to my skincare routine a couple of years ago and there’s been no turning back. Not to be confused with a toner, using an essence is an additional step after you have applied toner and before adding on any serums.

I love the lightness of essences and how it hydrates and plumps my skin. I’ve read too that using essences prepares your skin to better absorb the other skincare products you’ll be using, which I think it really does, because my other skincare products seem to do their job better. Over time, my skin looks more dewy and feels more supple.

Read more: The essence of facial essences

#2 Exfoliator

Exfoliating my skin is something I’ve done religiously for close to 15 years now. Every Sunday as regularly as clockwork, I set aside some time to indulge in a little exfoliation. This helps to get rid of dead skin cells, allows better penetration of skincare products and promotes glowing skin. (I really do live for the glow.)

I’ve found that regularly exfoliating also helps to reduce clogged pores which in turn reduced outbreaks for me.

#3 Mask

Immediately after exfoliating my skin, I love to use a facial mask for an intense dose of skincare goodness. This works especially well after skin has been well cleansed and has a clean slate to work off.

With a variety of over-the-counter masks to choose for, I tend to gravitate towards masks that promise to rejuvenate and rehydrate skin. Not only are these good for the skin, it’s a great way to round off the day with a spot of indulgence that’s good for both your skin and wellbeing.


The essence of facial essences

If you are an avid fan of K-beauty, chances are you would have come across facial essences, an important skincare step in your daily beauty regimen.

Facial essences are generally formulated with ingredients to help restore balance and hydration to your skin. Often times they are easily confused with facial toners and serums. Read on to find out what benefits they hold and how they differ from other skincare products.

What are essences?

Essences are water-based skincare products that are formulated with active ingredients to promote protection and hydration to the skin while boosting skin health.

Essence is best applied to clean skin, after a layer of toner has been applied but before serums and moisturisers. This helps prepare the skin to better absorb the next layer of skincare products.

Some of the common ingredients found in essence include water, glycerin or glycol, hyaluronic acid, vitamins and minerals, all of which are known for their moisturising and hydrating properties.

Read more: Best skincare ingredients for oily skin

What’s the difference between essence and toners?

As mentioned earlier, essences are often confused with toners. While they may look the same in terms of consistency, they have different jobs when it comes to skincare.

Toners are generally alcohol-based and serve to give skin a deeper cleanse after you have washed your face. Toners can also help to tighten pores and rebalance skin tone for a smoother complexion.

Using an essence after a toner can help to rehydrate and rebalance moisture levels in the skin.

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What’s the difference between essence and serums?

While it’s true that both essences and serums contain high levels of active ingredients, again they each play a different role.

You would probably notice that serums are mostly thicker than an essence, meaning it aims to penetrate deeper into the skin to work its magic.

While essences help to improve hydration levels in general, serums are more specific in targeting skin concerns, be it dull skin, pigmented skin or ageing skin. Plus, it’s always recommended to apply a layer of moisturiser after using serums to lock it into the skin.

Applying a later of essence before serums help the skin to better absorb serums and its intended benefit into the skin.