5 antiaging tricks that won’t cost you a fortune

It’s easy to find quick fix solutions to all of life’s problems even when it comes to aging. Bottles and jars of creams, lotions and potions all seem to offer a solution for any line, spot and redness you might find on your face. But what if I told you that sometimes all it takes is a few changes to your daily habits to allow your skin to reap the benefits of looking younger and healthier, all without having to spend a fortune on.

Read more: Here’s how you can reboot your skin post-lockdown

#1 Sunscreen

Sun exposure is a sure way to age your skin faster, with ultraviolet light breaking down collagen and elastin, the essential building blocks for keeping skin firm and supple.

The importance of sunscreen cannot be underestimated or overemphasized. When it comes to younger looking skin, broad spectrum sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection is not to be skipped in your skincare routine. Be sure to use one daily and don’t hesitate to top it up if you’re spending long hours under the sun.

#2 Sunglasses with UV protection

Dark lenses do not equate to good sun protection. Shop for glasses that block 99 or 100% of UVA and UVB rays to help to protect the delicate skin around the eye area and also prevent you from constantly squinting, which could exacerbate the appearance of lines and wrinkles around your eyes.

Read more: Beauty in the Covid era – top treatments to refresh your looks post lockdown

#3 Watch your sugar intake

Sugar when ingested and enters the bloodstream, bonds with protein molecules including those found in collagen and elastin and unfortunately causes these skin supporting fibres to lose their elasticity. Cutting out sugar completely may not be an option for many of us but the very least we can do is to consume sugar in moderation. Instead of 2 teaspoons of sugar, you might find that 1 teaspoon in your morning coffee is enough.

#4 Catch 7-8 hours of sleep

Sleep deprivation has been shown to have negative effects on the skin. Aim to get at least 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night and this will give your skin time to repair itself.

Read more: Need a skin intervention? Try these at-home facial kits to rejuvenate your skin

#5 Don’t smoke

And even if you don’t smoke, try to avoid smoky environments. Constant exposure to secondhand smoke exposes you to harmful free radicals which in turn breaks down collagen and slows the skin’s ability to heal.