Everything you need to know about AHAs

If you’re in your 30s and reading this, chances are you know that you need some kind of acids in your skincare regimen. You would also know that they help to exfoliate skin, keeping skin glowing, clear and even-toned.

One of the common types of acids found is Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and are well known for the range of benefits they offer to the skin, such as smoothening fine lines, softening skin texture, diminishing dark spots and clarifying pores. Basically, they help our skin be the best version it possibly can be.

AHAs pass on instructions to your skin cells to turnover or hit refresh. By doing so, it removes old, dead skin to reveal fresh, new skin that’s glowing and healthy looking.

Within AHAs, there are a variety of acids and we’re here to break them down and let you know what they do for the skin.

Glycolic Acid

This is a firm favourite and popularly found in various skincare products. While glycolic acid is known to deliver quick results, its efficacy in being absorbed quickly into the skin also means it’s likely to irritate skin.

Another little known fact about glycolic acid is that it’s a humectant, meaning it draws moisture from the air to help skin stay hydrated for longer.

Lactic Acid 

Another popular AHA is lactic acid and works well when combined with glycolic acid. On its own it’s a great choice for sensitive skin because its molecular structure is larger than glycolic acid, penetrating skin at a slower rate. While it may not exfoliate skin as well as glycolic acid, the properties of lactic acid simply means it’s less likely to cause damage to the skin, especially if it’s sensitive.

Mandelic Acid

Mandelic acid is another AHA that’s growing in popularity. Derived from bitter almonds with potent antioxidant and antibacterial properties, it’s excellent for normal to oily skin that’s prone to breakouts. Another reason to love Mandelic acid is its anti-aging benefit, protecting skin from free radicals while strengthening collagen, one of the essentials required for healthy, happy skin. This is a dream product for all adult-acne sufferers who are dealing with breakouts and wrinkles all at the same time.