I can’t wait to get this facial done once #circuitbreaker is over

If you think your skin is worse now that we’re in circuit breaker mode, you’re not alone. It seems lockdown skin is a thing and here’s why.


They don’t call these uncertain times for nothing and uncertainty as it goes can cause stress in some shape or form. Our bodies automatically cope by producing more cortisol, an androgen hormone, and is released to basically prepare us to fight. This could lead to an increase in the amounts of sugar level in the bloodstream and production of sebum, all likely culprits for your unwanted breakout.


Hand to heart, can you say you have been eating well throughout the lockdown? It’s likely with more time to indulge in sugary treats and salty snacks while cooped up at home, your diet these past months or so would have affected your skin negatively.

Sweets, processed meat and refined carbohydrates are generally categorised as inflammatory foods and are known to cause flare-ups in your complexion.

Read more: Eat this not that – DIY masks your skin will love


Or the lack of since we’re in our homes A LOT more. Vitamin D that comes from natural light encourages the production of endorphins which in turn boosts your immune system and wellbeing.

Getting a fair amount of sunlight is a great way to improve your skin yet at the same time, be sure to slather your skin with adequate amounts of sun protection whether you are in or out of the house.


Now that we’re going sans makeup at home, we may not be as thorough with cleansing our faces as before. And if you’re one to get facials done on a regular basis and haven’t been able to do so for a while now, this could be a reason for your breakouts.

Read more:  Are You Taking More Showers at Home These Days? Here’s What You Need to Know.

The Solution

Knowing that my breakouts could be due to one or a combination of the above reasons, I can’t wait to get an appointment for a Deep Red Facial. Combining microdermabrasion with sonic cleansing for a really deep clean of my skin and its pores, the facial continues with red light therapy to boost sluggish cell metabolism for brighter, more radiant skin. This will be a sure skin pick-me-up that I know my skin will thank me for.